Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sunset in the Desert

Tuesday, late afternoon I took a walk in the Copper Crest development, visited the tree that has all of the insects feeding on it, took a walk up to the upper end of the houses, and into the desert a few hundred feet.  The insects are busy as ever, and I found a unopened seed pod, and I collected it.  The seed pod will help me get an identity on the type of tree that it is.  I walked to the upper end of the development, and the sun was just starting to set, and set the clouds a glow.
There is a lot of fiddley camera stuff to get a good exposure on the glowing clouds.
I think that I took nearly fifty pictures, and this is one of the best wide panorama ones.
This is typical of the colors that we see during happy hour, back at the RV Park.  This was taken less than 100 feet from the top of the development.

Today Anne-Marie gets to help with the Thanksgiving Dinner some more.  Anne-Marie helped with the turkey yesterday, and today they are making the stuffing and gravy.

At Grandma Johnsons they are having a Estate Sale today and Friday.  The sisters have sorted most all of the stuff in the house and all is going well.

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