Sunday, November 18, 2012

Transitions in Life

This is a busy week for Anne-Marie and I.  Anne-Marie’s Sister Kathryn and husband Ernie are arriving today, and will be staying at Grandma Johnsons house in Copper Crest.  We will be working on packing and moving Grandma’s stuff to somewhere, to vacate the house, as it is for sale.  This is another phase of transitioning from one living space to another, Grandma from this one, to assisted living.  Anne-Marie and I spending the last three winters here, probably allowed Grandma to stay in her house for three years longer, had we not been available.  I expect some emotional times this week, but the packing should go rather quickly, as the house is very tidy.  Anne-Marie is helping with the turkey at the RV Park this week, and we are having Thanksgiving with the RV crowd again, they are almost like family.
The camera caught a coyote last night after 10PM, and she sniffed around and found a special spot, and squatted.
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This morning at 6AM another or the same female coyote at the same spot, and then she dashes off.

I just don’t understand this behavior, do they mark everything, is it a sign of ownership?  I can see that if one starts to do this on something on your patio, it might get hit several times a week.

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